Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Hidden technology and the world I'd like to see

I would like a world where everybody loved and cared for one another and saw the divine in each another. I believe that world is coming. 

Apparently the ancient continent of Mu or Lemuria contained humans with much greater spiritual and technological prowess than today. 
It was later destroyed, due to materialism and a lower spiritual sense emerging in neighbouring Atlantis. The destruction of both reshaped the world.

As a civilization we pollute the earth and use technology that is out of date, while safer, more effective and cleaner technologies are being hidden and denied us. Money has become too important and resulted in destructive practices.

May the time of the awakening of the masses happen soon and may the secret agencies turn towards the light, openness and freedom, to help enlighten the human race and release the technologies they currently hide.

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