Monday, January 27, 2020

No room for MIND in materialism

There's no room for MIND in materialism. 

Everything is cause and effect, starting with the big bang. 

[Except for quantum physics]

Our brains are subject to the same laws, chemical and physical, as everything else in the universe that we perceive, and the MIND is just an apparent expression of this mechanistic process, with no meaning of it's own beyond the physical processes that birthed it.
It's like the music coming from a gramaphone- totally subject in its expression to the physical device that creates it.

MATERIALISM is the dominant philosophy of academia. The commonly perceived elite of human minds, relied upon to give an accurate picture of reality.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

It creates consternation when people operate in bad faith.

Arrogance, humility and the uncertainty of time.

Every theory, no matter how widely accepted, has its weaknesses.

For some reason, reality is hard to model, and the future difficult to see.

This should give us pause and induce in us some humility.

And for some reason, humility is among the more attractive traits a person can have.

So being an arrogant asshole is not only based on an unrealistic certainty, but it is also unattractive.

So let's keep our minds open and egos in check and we march together into THE FUTURE which will be what we collectively make it!

Monday, January 13, 2020

Statistics and truth

It's a common mistake for people to confuse statistics with truth.

Truth is what happens. It is one person's experience (as every person's perspective is unique). It is one potential data point in a statistical analysis, if such an analysis is done. The other data points can't disprove this one data point. It still remains true no matter what the other data points look like. People seem to forget this fact when they dismiss "anecdotal evidence".

As for statistical analyses, these are only meaningful when ALL THE APPROPRIATE VARIABLES are included in the analysis, not just one explanatory variable and the dependent variable. Many researchers don't seem to realize this, as their grounding in statistics is superficial, at best.

Also, statistics never proves anything conclusively. It can't. That's not it's job.

As I said, something is real if it happens, not because some statistical analysis (which is probably done shoddily) shows some relationship between two variables (or not).

Compulsory products

If you want to turn people against a product or service then make it compulsory or bully people into receiving it.

Nobody likes being told what to do or being forced to do or receive something they disagree with. That's a recipe for disaster and for the building of resentment. The end result is the destruction of the credibility of the very thing being pushed.

In addition, the quality of compulsory products tends to be poor because there is no incentive to improve it when people are forced to receive the product anyway.

If it's not outrageous, then it's probably not true!

What people do is often secondary to the qualities they bring to the table.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Barack Obama artwork

Matthew Ward's message, 9th Jan 2020.

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Your calendar year 2020 had an intense beginning, with fires raging in Australia and saber rattling by leaders in Iran and the United States. In reply to your comments and questions about these situations, we shall first address the devastating bushfires.

They are not Mother Nature’s doing. Arson is involved and so is weather manipulation technology, which Illuminati minions are using to prevent heavy rains and to create gusting and shifting winds.

The operator of the respected site asked if I would speak about the fires and how lightworkers can help. I asked my mother to copy my response because prayer and visualization are applicable wherever love-light energy is needed.

At this station we see the fires raging in Australia from two vibratory perspectives—love and tragedy.

Love’s high vibrations—the outpouring of assistance to and compassion for everyone affected by the fires—are alongside the low vibrations of tragedy—the lives lost, sorrow, fear and destruction..

Dear brothers and sisters, your prayers and visualization will help this country and all of its residents, thereby easing Gaia’s sadness about the loss of her body’s many life forms.

Prayers that flow from the heart send out the high vibrations of love. It matters not what words you use—the intention of the prayer is what counts. Visualizing golden raindrops drenching Australia’s parched earth and dousing the fires also issues love’s high vibrations.

Please do not doubt your ability to manifest whatever is desired, and know that when many put forth the same loving, caring intention, the beneficial effects increase a hundredfold.

All light beings in this universe are continuously beaming love-light energy to all of Earth.

Thank you, Mother.

Sabre rattling will not lead to War III or a war waged in the Middle East. Matters of longstanding throughout that region—religious vs. secular factions, invasions, enmity between Sunnis and Shiites, revenge for injustices to previous generations, male-dominated culture—are rooted in prejudices passed down from each generation to the next.

Now, energy streamers with those low-vibratory attachments are being dispersed by rising vibrations. During this “energetic unraveling” process there will be confusion, mixed emotions and very likely skirmishes as individuals and rogue groups engage in “face-saving” or vengeful terrorism. Resolution of those numerous complex situations as well as agreeable attitudes will come about incrementally as rational discussion replaces threatening rhetoric and what serves the common good replaces ill will.

The following comment, which is similar to many other readers’ comments or questions, is somewhat related to what we just spoke about. “I miss the insights that Matthew and the guides used to give us about President Obama and the unknown pressures he faced and wish we could get some guidance on this current Trump administration.”

From our vantage point, we see that President Trump, albeit unwittingly, is nudging the aforementioned Middle East situations into hastening the dispersal of streamers with dark attachments. He isn’t aware that some of his closest advisers and his ally, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, are Illuminati. Although he followed their advice to assassinate Iranian General Soleimani, he is resisting their pressure to wage war with Iran and to turn against Russian President Putin, who, along with his country, has been unjustly maligned by your controlled media.

Behind the scenes Mr. Trump is working with other influential individuals to hold the Illuminati accountable for their crimes against humanity. Other aims include revealing the truth about 9/11 and the presence of other civilizations, ending impoverishment and destruction to the planet, and ushering in a peaceful world.

We are not discounting your unfavorable and understandable views of the US president. We are asking that you acknowledge the higher good he is serving, however unawares insofar as energy activity in the Middle East, and that you put his administration’s distressing policies into the context of what we said shortly after the 2016 presidential election:

The election outcome doomed the Illuminati’s plan to put one of their own back in the White House after eight years of having to fight a president who fought back to the extent he could.

Planetary vibrations will strengthen and advance only endeavors that best serve Earth and all her life forms; anything to the contrary cannot be long-lasting.

Hard-won rights and progress in social justice cannot be dismantled. It is not the destiny of Earth’s peoples to go backward, but to move ever forward toward peace, mutual respect, cooperation and life in harmony with Nature.

The world where life is like that and the planet is restored to health and pristine beauty—the world you are helping to create in linear time—already is vibrantly flourishing in the continuum.

Former president Obama, the highly evolved soul that agreed to go to Earth and become US president, was light-filled when he embodied and his light has not diminished one iota. Persons who recognize this truth are not fooled by the photo-shopped pictures and fabricated films disseminated by dark ones to besmirch his character.

What is true is that due to Illuminati threats to kill his family if he didn’t cooperate, he gave in to demands that he was told were nonnegotiable. One was appointing Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State and another was endorsing her in the 2016 presidential race—the threats against his family are ongoing. An example where Illuminati in Congress and beyond had their way is the Affordable Care Act. Mr. Obama had to abandon his comprehensive plan that included a single payer insurance provision and push the healthcare program designed by the heads of insurance and pharmaceutical companies. Wrinkled brow and graying hair are the physical signs of his emotional and mental struggle that required compromising spiritual and moral integrity to protect his family.

“Does Matthew remember how difficult it is here? how density, gravity, time all weigh so heavily on those who work to be light-filled but are daily assaulted by what wears us down? I believe I am a lightworker. That I am here to hold the light, be the love. I would like to believe that Matthew can see and feel and understand that the heaviness of living is crushing.. One feels as if we’ve been deposited on a timeline from which there can be no escape, there is no hope of righting the wrongs. At every turn, one feels we have yet to work harder and we are already exhausted. I sent this with gratitude and with anxiety that maybe I am just not faithful enough.”

That excerpt of a lengthy email describes the feelings of the dear soul who expressed them in other ways, too, and enumerated many reasons. Other lightworkers have written much the same. Whatever any and all of you are experiencing is important to us—we love you!

Dear ones, the described feelings come from preoccupation with what you see as the state of the world. The sense that so much is wrong that ever making all of it right seems hopeless does wear down the spirit, and thinking that you have to work harder even though you’re already exhausted is a continuous energy drain. The results of those views of life are heavy because they are within third density’s limitations. The purpose of messages from us and other off-planet light beings is to help you rise above those limitations so that being a lightworker is joyous and fulfilling.

Please think how often we have said that simply by BEing the souls you are, you radiate light out into the world. Just as often we have told you that your light is awakening Earth’s peoples and inspiring them to move forward in manifesting the world they want. Probably most frequently what we say to you is, light beings throughout this universe are supporting you with the power of unconditional love all along your Earth journey.

In no way are we minimizing the discomfort and stress of depressing sensations—what we have earnestly tried to do is help you avoid or dispel them. We have advised being knowledgeable about world affairs as an observer and not enter into the drama of souls experiencing chosen karmic lessons. We have urged you to use the universal law of attraction to your benefit by changing negative thoughts to positive, and we’ve offered numerous means to adjust more easily physically, emotionally and mentally to energy changes as Earth proceeds steadily on her ascension course. And we tell you about the light’s progress that we see from our vantage point and you cannot see from yours.

Now then, yes, all of us at this station do indeed remember world-weary feelings. Like you, we have volunteered to help civilizations mired in third density, and in the timeless continuum, those lifetimes are happening simultaneously with the bliss at this station, thus we always have awareness of them.

More so, we are inseparably connected with you and feel what you do. However, we cannot let disillusionment or despondency last long or it would adversely affect the overall frequency here—those and other low-vibratory feelings adversely affect your personal frequencies, too. And consider this: God feels the “crushing heaviness of living” in the identical measure that each and every one of his children do throughout this universe. To us that intensity is incomprehensible.

You are embarking upon a year of an exciting and occasionally bumpy ride as the light continues exposing pockets of darkness in governments, the economic sector, legal and justice systems, technologies, and corporate structures. The high vibrations that are the driving force toward peaceful negotiations also are crumbling everything that is based in dark intention. The perpetrators will try to keep those going as they need that dense energy for sustenance, but their time is up. The long reign of darkness on Earth is ending.

Beloved brothers and sisters, forge ahead with confidence and optimism. Your invaluable contributions to the light’s victory still are needed!



Suzanne Ward

Barry Long's secret to happiness

Barry Long once said the secret to happiness lies in doing what you want rather than in getting what you want. 

For in attempting to get what we want we may suffer through years of unhappiness, doing things we don't want to be doing.

Happiness is now, we can't defer it for another day that will never come.

If we can't shape our lives to suit what it is we like to do then we will forever suffer and not reach our full potential.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Most people accept the common thought form about most issues...

For that way they don't have to put in any mental work themselves to come to a conclusion. 


The uplifting and relaxing smell of flowers and essential oils are not needed for life, but then neither are the dulcit tones of beautiful music. 

They just make life richer and more beautiful than it is without them!

They are one of the things in the world that promote beauty and harmony and a happy, contented state of mind.

These balancing factors are the true medicines of the world, in my view, as they are balms for the fractured soul.

Those who ridicule such things as irrelevant or trivial clearly place no value on pleasure and the senses, nor see how crucial theses things are in creating a healthy living environment where people want to live.

Trust and have faith in the fundamentals of existence...

It's successfully delivered you this far, hasn't it?

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Knowledge and belief

I often read about people claiming to "know" one thing or another. But do they really know it?

When we hear something second-hand from another person (or many other people- often repeating from the same, sometimes dubious, source) can that really be classed as "knowledge"?

To me, to "know" something implies the certainty that comes from first-hand experience.

Anything we hear from external sources that we accept as truth I would describe as a "belief".

I don't think we can ever be 100% certain of information coming from other people, even ones we have learnt to trust, so I don't think it's accurate to describe information gained that way as true "knowledge", the way many seem to do.

Sunday, January 5, 2020


Cynicism comes from living a life that isn't our own. The reality is, there is nothing to be cynical about. 

We don't need to let shysters into our lives, whether they be media figures, politicians, or anyone else who is deceptive. We can live focused on the sacred and beautiful things around us, which is everything in existence. 

It's peoples opinions we may not like, but that doesn't have to effect us or our view on life. 

They're not stopping us from doing what we want, nor are they forcing us to think a certain way. 

We remain free, and that's why cynicism is false and reflects an inability to take responsibility for our lives. 

It's the lazy, cowardly person's approach to living.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

People go when they're ready to go. True or false?

And can we ever really know without getting inside someone's head?

And then there's self-deception and the subconscious mind...

Meaning peoples aren't aware of the totality of their thinking and feeling, and often intentionally or otherwise hide things from themselves.

You know the PR's good when a coup has occured, and the population...

Are none the wiser!

The problem with objectivists

The problem with OBJECTIVISTS is they tend to think their view of the universe is the only right one and everybody else is off-base, except in those areas where they agree with them!

Their view is the OBJECTIVE one, while everybody else's is subjective and distorted in some way!

The power elites control of true knowledge

The power elite teach the common person to believe lies while hoarding the truth for themselves, hence the name "Illuminati", or "the Illumined Ones".

A comparitive advantage in understanding universal laws gives the holder power over others, whereas when truths are shared, power is also shared.

This goes against the elitist philosophy of power elite who see their position as deserved and that it is rightful that the strong and privileged feed on the weak and ignorant in the world.

What people profess, even to themselves, is often far removed...

From reality.

Stop punishing other people for disagreeing with you.

It is allowed, you...

Free will and all that!

Thursday, January 2, 2020

You want to like people, but some folks are just baby killers...

You know?

The E.T. "DNA Hunter" Myth

In one UFO myth a race of highly technological beings, who have been reproducing by cloning for millennia, are looking for genetic input from humans as they have become evolutionary stuck. 

They factored out emotions from their physical beings using genetic engineering, after having survived a catastrophic war which they blamed on over-emotionality, and found that ultimately this left them at a dead end in terms of their spiritual advancement. 

Humans are said to have a rare degree of emotionality which they are hoping to put back into their DNA. Hence the idea of the hybrid child which has a mixture of the DNA of the two species.

This is one story used to explain at least some of the "alien adbuction" stories that were prevalent in the 80's and 90's.

The notion here being that people were abducted, at least in part, to contribute to this intergalactic scheme.

Claims and truth

Everything outside one's own experience is a claim or a story.

It doesn't get elevated to TRUTH until it's experienced first-hand.

It doesn't matter how many people repeat it.

After all, they could just be repeating something that came from the one flawed source.

This would make them reflectors of something imperfect or wrong to begin with.

But what does count for something is when many people independently report the same thing.

In other words, not just a crowd of people repeating the same thing THEY WERE TOLD, but a crowd of people DESCRIBING WHAT THEY HAVE EXPERIENCED. 

I go for the words of the experiencers above that of the repeaters.

After all, they have something new and original to say, while repeaters just repeat the same old thing, which is dead boring, and nothing new is learnt.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Mirror world/Will of God

If the world reflects back what we project into it, as is generally accepted, then we can't blame anything on "God's will" because we are the creator of our lives (in concert with everything else) and not subject to some external God with a will of their own they are somehow projecting onto us.

In this case, the "will of God" is not something forced on anyone, but something that is either reflected in the inherent laws of the world, or something held by its creator(s) in Hope's of the direction the world would take.

But perhaps the "will of God" is just for us to continue to live and create freely, using the tools at our disposal- the qualities and substances of this universe.

Sin, vaccination and the need to be "saved"

Is vaccination based on the Christian notion of "original sin", where the newborn baby is seen as being born deficient in some way and in need of "saving"?

Is vaccination just another example of a secular or scientific ritual replacing a religious one, with its use being based on a similar notion that the natural individual is "flawed" in some way and in need of "saving" (by them)?

Because if the untrammelled individual doesn't need saving, then they certainly don't need the people who are selling the saving, do they?