Thursday, January 2, 2020

Claims and truth

Everything outside one's own experience is a claim or a story.

It doesn't get elevated to TRUTH until it's experienced first-hand.

It doesn't matter how many people repeat it.

After all, they could just be repeating something that came from the one flawed source.

This would make them reflectors of something imperfect or wrong to begin with.

But what does count for something is when many people independently report the same thing.

In other words, not just a crowd of people repeating the same thing THEY WERE TOLD, but a crowd of people DESCRIBING WHAT THEY HAVE EXPERIENCED. 

I go for the words of the experiencers above that of the repeaters.

After all, they have something new and original to say, while repeaters just repeat the same old thing, which is dead boring, and nothing new is learnt.

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