Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Crop circles and why they are denied

The mainstream media and its adherents treat crop circles as if they are all the work of "dad and Dave", who are some kind of cereal bending geniuses, but for what end?

I don't believe that to be true.

Sure, some crop circles may be man made but I've seen nothing to suggest that they all are.

They often seem to contain some kind of advanced knowledge in symbol form.

A harmless creation to send a message.

For many years the obvious human-ET connection has been be denied by the ruling elite.

To them, open ET-human contact would apparently signal their death knell.

They see our realm as their play thing and they don't want to share it with any one else, particularly any group that is moral and transparent, rather than being secretive and perverse, as they are.

Also, the truth about our existence is their enemy.

The ruling elite rule through deception.

It's a similar story with the monoliths that have appeared and disappeared in natural places around the world in the past few years or so.

I believe they are another signal of a desire for open communication, and suggesting the harmless intention of their creators.

After all, they could have invaded or destroyed us by now with no issues, if they are high tech and malevolent, as Hollywood likes to protray them.

Only ruling class elites and certain religious fanatics see anything sinister in them.

To them, all outside influences are seen as a threat.

They want to protect their selfish control or their narrow world view.

I see hardly any faith in God, in those positions.

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