Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Responsibility for Trump's near assassination

If the Trump shooter was just a brainwashed moron, then responsibility for the near assassination resides in large part with those, particularly in the public eye, who have ridiculously overexaggerated the supposed threat Trump poses to world peace and prosperity if he is re-elected.

Donald J. Trump has already been president once and the sky didn't fall in. 

Why would it fall in if he spent another (brief) 4 years in the White House, now that he understands the (corrupt) system better and can avoid the pitfalls due to his earlier inexperience? 

It wasn't during Trump's term that the horrific terrorist attack occurred in Israel and then Israel's extremist government responded in a predictably more extreme way in response. 

It wasn't during Trump's term that Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine. 

It wasn't during Trump's term that a cost of living crisis emerged. 

So why is it that so many in the media and elsewhere, who really should know better, act as if the sky would fall in if Trump was re-elected?

I just don't get it. 

It seems completely irrational to me.

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