Wednesday, August 7, 2019

My view on hate speech

I don't usually like to address hate speech directly, because I don't like to promote those who use it, but it is prevalent on the internet.

It seems to mainly be used by ignorant people attempting to slander another group, or by those overcome with heightened emotion, who lash out wildly.

In either case, it results in a high noise to signal ratio, and repels even-minded folks.

I don't think hate speech can possess much sustained value, like reasonable statements by balanced people can.

It's just a phase a disgruntled person goes through, and at the end of it, there will only be shame.

Matthew 15:
17 "Do you not yet realize that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then is eliminated?
18 But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these things defile a man."

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