Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Propaganda, war and vaccines

Goering quote on war, propaganda, mind control, Nazis, Goebbels

1. When enough people come to the conclusion that war is a con they bring in conscription, so people are forced to go. Now that many people are questioning vaccines they are bringing in mandates.

2. The ruling powers really have no respect for the free will of the individual.

Their only concern is increasing their own wealth and power at any cost, and to achieve it, they convince the population that it's in their best interests to submit to their plans.

3. This is achieved by the use of (i) propaganda, (ii) rewarding compliance and punishing non-compliance, and (iii) by mobilising the population against dissent - i.e. by encouraging "the mob" to attack and vilify any who resist.

It's the same process used to convince people to support and fight wars, as it is to convince them to support vaccine mandates, or anything else that is an important part of the agenda of the power elite.

Mind control and mobilise "the mob" against those who resist, or against any group that are seen as an obstacle to the ruling powers achieving their goals.

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