Friday, April 14, 2023

China, Russia and world peace (Part I)


No-one is going to war over Taiwan and there will be no WW3 over that bastion of Illuminati corruption and money laundering, Ukraine. 

Putin does nothing by chance. Like him or loathe him. Believe the stories printed about him by his enemies in the CIA controlled western media or not. They say he kills his political enemies and journalists who are critical. Well, without a trial and access to true information (which is rare), that is speculation, but what we do know is that the western empire he is fighting to maintain sovereignty from have no qualms about killing their enemies and do it with impunity, whenever they get the chance. And killing Putin's "domestic enemies" to make him look like a monster would be straight out of their MO. Who knows? Not I, but I do have a source I trust more than the mockingbird media and then there is intuition, which finely honed cannot be corrupted by the lies of this world. It is a laser arbiter of truth if we approach it in the right way, free of bias and brainwashing. They must be left behind. All thinking, all words gone. Just observation. Body language. It does not lie, unike the voice, particularly in the news media. Very unreliable propaganda generally.

Anyhow, given the popularity of Putin in Russia and other countries, the efforts to destroy his credibility seem to be failing. Some will say his popularity is because his regime controls the media. I think he would still be popular no matter what the media looked like (and all countries whose leadership is opposed by the CIA will be subject to their influence, if there is truly a "free media" anywere it probably exists in only the smallest and most insignificant of nations.  

Also the the fact Russia took in Edward Snowden in sanctuary from the Americans who were trying to capture him so he could be controlled and disappeared from the public discourse and that would be willing to do the same with Julian Assange tells us a lot about which country is under the control of the light and which governments are controlled by darkness. 

The establishment media in the USA and UK laud Bush and Blair as heroes, when both are war criminals, responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and so what side of good and bad the establishment there are on is not difficult to judge. It's not rocket science and billions in sophisticated propaganda doesn't change the facts. They are most obviously the bad guys.

People don't make their decisions blindly, based on the propaganda they receive, instead they have intuition and minds of their own, and many are able to see through the all-pervading deception and get to the heart of matters and into the heart of any soul, and see things as they really are- their true nature and motivation. 

And this perception is very often the opposite to the story told by establishment voices, who themselves are often just as brainwashed as the people they are trying to convince. They have become an apparatchik for the machine of death that they truly believe is good.These are the "useful idiots" of our age.

But if we allow outside propaganda by dubious sources to darken our minds then independent thinking becomes impossible and we become programmable, unthinking, machine-like beings, just the way the power elites like it.

So trusting what the Western Empire media says about any world leader who opposes them is unwise. 

China is also under wiser rulership than the west, even if they may seem overly controlling to the western mind. Still, it is nothing beyond what western governments have done to their own people during the recent "covid crisis", with that basion of western liberalism Melbourne, Australia, being, I believe, the most locked down city in the world during that time, destroying people's businesses, mental health and lives with it. But all "for your public safety" of course. And all under the rule of "Dictator Dan", the Premier of the state. Somehow he reminds me of Mussolini on the inside, but trying to be soft and cuddly on the outside, like a Wiggle, and as fake as a Wiggle too, with their idiotic fake smiles plastered over their faces. Children aren't idiots. They may like the songs playing but they know the performers are fake as hell. It's garish, like ugly cross dresses. Have some taste, please. 😆

Some people will do anything for money. Tell any lie, and in the case of political leaders, destroy any opposition to their draconian policies by the use of their "brown shirt" brigade.

These days this is the "police", the keepers of law and order, no matter how corrupt the person is who's commands they are obeying. This is immoral to give away your free will in this manner. In an interesting side note the Victorian police wear an upside down 5 pointed star, the meaning of which is probably lost to them, but not to the organisation that loves symptoms and from which such thing originate. 

See part 2 above.

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