Sunday, April 30, 2023

The non-conspiracy theory view of the world

The "non-conspiracy theory" view of the world is pure pollyanna. It is that the world the mass media presents is the real world, instead of just being what vested interests want people to believe. 

It's a very childish notion. Instead the reality is that the real world is nothing like this pollyanna world. The real world is a place where vested interests control the public's mind to maximise the benefit for them.

It's a matter of confusing PR with truth, "and we know they're miles apart".

This reality is what people have been trying to wake people up to for decades. Those willing to venture outside the gated walls of the controlled media.

In recent years Putin has been talking about it and of course he's the "bad guy" for not going along with the charade and joining the corrupt western empire in divvying up the riches of the world.

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