Sunday, April 30, 2023

Viewing life too simplistically

Too many people see things in overly simplified  terms. For example, if you were a NAZI you were bad. Well, I don't think every one of the young soldiers fighting under Hitler for Germany were all evil or headed to "hell". Just as not every soldier who was part of the Allied forces was good and heading to "heaven". Life is not that simple or banal. We are responsible for our actions, but the circumstances that surround them need also be taken into account. 

The Bible says "Thou Shalt Not Kill". Does that mean every soldier who took a life, even in the attempt to save others is eternally damned? I'm not saying killing is ever justified. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. And any taking of human life may well be a blot on our soul history but it doesn't mean we should be destroyed and not allowed future evolution.

As the Islamists say Allah is all Merciful. We've just got to learn from mistakes. And the more we learn the more possible mistakes we see and hopefully avoid!

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