Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Why is so little known about the next world?

When people arrive in the next world they are amazed and wonder why they weren't told about it before and why this world, in general, has little or no idea about the next world and how it functions. 

The reality is that many books have been written on the subject which paint a cohesive picture of the world to come, but these books are not widely advertised and that's because it doesn't suit the establishment for people to know the answers to the important questions they answer. Most people only know what the establishment or power elite want them to know and a great deal of that so-called knowledge is false.

The book below is as good as any, but there are many fascinating takes on the world beyond. Given that it is a stratified or layered world where we end up will depend upon how we have lived our lives and the kind of person we have been.

This is not only fair but it's the only way it could work, if the next world is a sanctuary world, as it was originally set up be. It would be no sanctuary if the immoral mixed with the moral, without the agreement of the moral ones. It would be hell, which is a fitting description for the lower levels of the realm, where the low, selfish people go. Like attracts like, more so there than in this world.

But the book below and others like it have far more detail to share than can be fitted in a Facebook post.

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